Archive for the ‘Wii’ Category

Wii Power Glove for Wii

Posted: July 13, 2009 in Wii

Nintendo’s next-en console Wii went on sale on Friday in UK with selling off somewhat 50,000 units in just small span of 12 hours that tells direly the success of Wii console around the regions including US where it sold more than 6 million hardware in eight days and homeland Japan as well. But Europe is facing some delivery shortage as the buyers are complaining the scarcity of the consoles since more than 1200 units have been pulled off online within hours after the launch of the console. But Nintendo is trying to eradicate the problem soon.

Wii-mote is pocketing a great feedback on the part of young as well as veteran gamers for performing extrovert gameplay. Now some modification has been deployed to the same motion sensitive controller that has brought entirely a new appearance to the Wii-mote. The controller is entirely designed in the shape of glove that’s why named Wii Power Glove. The glove comes with the finger trigger with incorporated Wii-mote in just back side of the glove. The power glove seems quite power hungry which needs two batteries to make a cool play with the glove. You need not press any button because the integrated trigger can make a vigorous shower of gunfire on to your target at the simple click of trigger.

A lot of accessories for Wii’s most innovative remote had already been intended; even before the console made its first appearance in jam-packed gaming market, especially, gun accessories, that became popular withing not time. Wii-Zapper is one of them that was announced by Nintendo at E3 Expo ‘07.

Rifle Gun Prop is another armor to the Wii arsenal that makes your Wii-mote and Nunchuck controllers more perilous than ever. The Wii-mote is placed in front of the gun, while the Nunchuck fits comfortably into the handle. The newly flanged accessory seems to be a remake of Wii-Zapper with quite analogous control and placement scheme.

Key features:

� Better single/dual grip

� Lock and load

� Well balanced and weighted Blaster control system

� Complete-range motion detection for Wii-mote

� Fine tuned with Wii-mote’s innovation motion controls

� Unbreakable hard plastic body

So, if you want a higher degree of realism while shoring your enemies in an FPS or TPS or knock off them from a distance, the Rifle Gun Prop is the ideal that retails for $16.58.

Recently, a new design of Wiimote for Wii games — Paga Shark Light Gun — hits the market. Priced reasonably at $10.86, gamers can easily avail this stylish and attractive item, resembling a shark, from the stores now. It will give the players the satisfaction of pointing the shark gun at the television set while playing the game, similar to that of an US Military man.

The shark gun is easy to use. You just need to plug in the nonchuk at the gun at the bottom and then attach the Wii remote connect to it before you initiate the Wii game. With its unique appearance and user-friendliness, the new shark gun is sure to make the game more stimulating and it is expected to become exceedingly popular among all ardent gamers across the world.

Wii Bowling Ball from CTA Digital

Posted: July 2, 2009 in Wii

I’ve noticed a lot of accessories for WiiSports, and most of them are golf clubs and tennis rackets. This is the first time I have seen one for Wii Bowling, and I’m not certain that it will not be the last.

This particular accessory was on display at this year’s E3, and was designed by CTA Digital. It is apparently fashioned after an “authentic bowling ball”, and the user has to open it up and put in the Wii remote and close this ball.

From there, you have to “plug the holes with your fingers”, but I don’t see any holes on this guy. I see three buttons, and unless you can push those in really deep, those are hardly holes.

At first I thought you would have to take off the WiiStrap in order use this accessory, but I’ve just read that the user has to use the WiiStrap in order hold the ball on their wrist. I suppose that’s to keep you from bowling through your flatscreen.

I’m not certain how much this weighs, but it doesn’t look too heavy to me. In fact, I remember having a lightweight plastic bowling kit as a kid, and this ball looks a lot like it. At least I don’t have to manually set up the pins.

Unfortunately, there is no word on pricing and availability on this product, but it is compatible to several Wii bowling games.