GP2X Wiz Game System

Posted: July 13, 2009 in gaming console

“Not another handheld console!” might be the exact words when you come across the GP2X Wiz Game System from Gamepark Holding. Well, this offers nothing new in terms of portable gaming, although it seems to skew more towards computer-based hardware, with a Linux-based operating system and 1GB of internal memory which can be further augmented by an SD memory card slot. The GP2X Wiz is the sequel to the GP2X, where it boasts multimedia support for that added dimension to portable entertainment, while the 533Mhz 3D accelerator plus flash engine support handles all its games with aplomb. Each purchase will come with 12 games already preloaded, and some of these are demos of future titles. We wonder how the touchscreen display function is going to be exploited by developers for new, engaging titles to be released. Do you think the asking price of $179.90 is a wee bit too high?

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